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MEGAPOLL - Which song would you choose as the second single from "Lost In A Moment"?
Which one would you choose as the next single, after "How would It Be"?
Tell us your opinion, and choose among the 10 songs from "Lost In A Moment"!

Among all of those who will take part to this poll, one will be drawn and will win a poster autographed by Lene! Let us stress that this poll is NOT about guessing or foreseeing the next single, but it's about pointing out the one that YOU would like to be the next single among the ten songs from "Lost In A Moment". The prize will be drawn independently of the answer given.

You can vote ONLY ONCE. The drawing will take place in July (exact date to be arranged) The winner will be contacted by Lene.it staff. Poll's result will be online at the end of the poll!
First name (compulsory)
Last name
Email (compulsory in order to take part to the drawing)

Do you want to win again? Take part to the LOST IN A PHOTO competition!!!