Lene Marlin Italian fan-club

Take the bus!!
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Lene Marlin has already released her debut album 'Playing My Game' and has already finished writing her second. She may be new to the UK but the rest of the world has snapped up a million of her albums in just one year. How does somebody so young get to sell so many albums with seemingly effortless grace after only one disc ?? We were lucky enough to get a chance to find out with the beautiful china skinned Lene Marlin. 'Take the Bus! That is how I got my record deal. I didn't send demo tapes to record companies ; it all happened so quickly I never got the chance !! I was at our local radio station recording 2 songs, I just thought it would be fun as I had only ever heard the songs on my tape recorder.

Then afterwards one day I was going home after recording but I had to take the bus because my dad could not give me a lift. Near the bus stop I saw this bloke walking behind and I didnít really like the bus so I ended up getting a lift with this guy. We started talking and it turned out that he worked for the radio station and he recognised me. He said (does impression of guy) 'I have a friend working for a record company who might be interested' I said ' Sure you can do that' I didn't expect anything from it, then a couple of days later I sent the demo down so I then the MD called and said 'We have to meet !!!'

It was really fun and I went to see their office and I could see sooo many demo tapes piled up and I thought I have been so lucky as the man had told the MD 'You have to listen to it now !' So take the bus if you need a record deal !'

A friend of mine said 'You are friends with Ole Gunnar Solksjaer' 'No. (Blank look) I know he's Norwegian but there are a lot of people from there !!! I was into football but now music has taken over.'

So you're into football, eh ! 'I did a lot of sports when I was younger. I did Tai Kwando (like fighting). I'm small so have to defend myself in case something happens ! I quit which is a real shame. Obviously if you are from Norway you have to ski. Yes football and I was also into volleyball and even table tennis !'

Tabletennis ?! So how did you hold the bat, pen grip or orthodox ? 'I'm not that good !!! I was not a professional player !' (laughs)

One of the things that comes out more and more as the interview progresses is the mysterious nature of Lene. She does not reveal what or who any of her songs are about. 'I create my own story when I listen to songs and I don't want the artist to tell me what it is about as it might be a real disappointment. I don't want anyone to know if this song is about them or whatever.'

So you never talk about it at all ? 'I remember doing a radio show in Norway and I was doing a 15 minute live show and for 10 of those minutes she kept asking me ' C'mon tell me about what its about.. what's it about !!!' ' I can just say no, no, no, if that is what you want me to do but it won't be a very good interview !!' (laughs)

I decide to talk about something else ! So where has all this come from ? A burning desire eating away at you night and day to break the music industry and take over the world ? 'I just wanted to play my own cd. Japan was the first country beside Norway to release the album and I was like WOW that's on then other side of the planet and then all these other countries followed.It's been fun but also scary ñ no one could have prepared me for this. I've never sung in choirs, never played in bands. What have I really been doing ?! I just fell in to it by coincidence. When I was 15 I discovered the guitar.

I was really interested in music and decided it was time to start writing my own songs. I did not find it easy to write in the beginning. The first song was really simple ñ one verse, one chorus - after a while I got more used to it and it was then something that I really enjoyed doing - then I got the recording deal and everything became much more interesting !!!!'

Personal insight into Lene Favourites Favourite artists Alanis Morrisette, Radio Head, Verve,U2 Favourite film is 'Face Off' Favourite actor is Tom Hanks Favourite song on the album Playing My Game (but she is still not revealing why !) Favourite clothes are hooded sweaters, only black or grey ' I don't like to wear strong colours as I am very shy and I just want to hide.'

Lene on Lene 'I'm a perfectionist I never want to disappoint myself that's why I continue and continue until they are perfect and I forget things really easily things like names and numbers and lyrics !! I think a lot naturally thinking about everything. I eat too many burgers - Macdonalds is a good thing I was in Japan and I don't eat spicy food and I don't eat fish ( I grew up on fish so I'm kind of sick of that) . If it hadn't have been for Macdonalds I would probably have starved to death ; I ate there everyday !

Lene is a true global phenomenon. From going onstage 3 hours late in Spain to playing the craziest festival in Italy ever, to shopping and checking out 'Mamma Mia' in London, Lene is a true ambassador of the European Music community. Lene will be appearing at a few small venues over the UK (including Glasgow, Swansea) as she tours the radio stations. Lene will be playing acoustically in what promises to be really special intimate gigs.

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