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 Lene's time off

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
custard555 Posted - 07 Feb 2005 : 15:51:32
Just wondering what Lene gets up 2 on her time off, if I had the same amount of time off, I would go insane of boredom!

Come on Lene, Don't give up now


6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Superfan Posted - 11 Feb 2005 : 01:49:16
hmm...Maybe but She liked Tekken for the Fighting and Driver for the car stuff right...ok
so i think GTA: San Andreas is the correct game (Or any other GTA game)

and an opinion to the staff:
It would be nice to have updates on that bio.

and to lene (Is she's reading)
Try Metal Gear Solid its a great game

Helios Rietberg Posted - 10 Feb 2005 : 16:44:31
I seriously doubt it, Custard. Perhaps an Xbox, but Halo 2? I doubt she'd play Doom 3 either. She doesn't seem very strategy-like if you ask me. According to the biography Marko posted above, i think she'd be better off playing Gran Turismo or Need for Speed Underground... or perhaps even Tekken 4 onwards...

So fragile, just you and me,
Barely staying afloat in this blood red sea.
The eyes i looked at as jewels of hope,
Now hold just despair, how shall we cope?

Your feelings crushed, easy to break,
A protective shield of love we make.
When we realise we shall be free,
To entwine in the hands of you and me...
custard555 Posted - 09 Feb 2005 : 22:25:53
Originally posted by Marko

From her Biography (it's a bit old anyway...)
More passions of Lene: Playstation (Tekken 3 and Driver are her favourite games!), McDonalds, pizza. Sport: when she was younger, Lene played many sports, particularly Tai Kwan Do ("I'm little and have to defend myself!"), football, volleyball and table tennis. Favourite movie: Face Off. She likes to listen to music, like Alanis Morrisette, Radiohead, Verve, U2

Cannot control this... this thing called Lene

That info is a bit old, so I was wondering what she does now; maybe she has an Xbox with Halo 2!

Come on Lene, Don't give up now


Marko Posted - 07 Feb 2005 : 20:27:46
From her Biography (it's a bit old anyway...)
More passions of Lene: Playstation (Tekken 3 and Driver are her favourite games!), McDonalds, pizza. Sport: when she was younger, Lene played many sports, particularly Tai Kwan Do ("I'm little and have to defend myself!"), football, volleyball and table tennis. Favourite movie: Face Off. She likes to listen to music, like Alanis Morrisette, Radiohead, Verve, U2

Cannot control this... this thing called Lene
custard555 Posted - 07 Feb 2005 : 18:41:32
Originally posted by Ive lost my mind

Maybe she does other work when she's got time off from being a professional singer, such as charity things. Or maybe she does the usual - stuff like reading, watching films (I read in an interview she's a bit of a film buff?)

Or, if she's anything like me (which I imagine she isn't ), then she will overdose on trashy daytime tv all day...I wonder if Norway has their own versions of Richard & Judy, or Trisha?

Trisha says Lick your teeth !

Come on Lene, Don't give up now


Ive lost my mind Posted - 07 Feb 2005 : 17:43:08
Maybe she does other work when she's got time off from being a professional singer, such as charity things. Or maybe she does the usual - stuff like reading, watching films (I read in an interview she's a bit of a film buff?)

Or, if she's anything like me (which I imagine she isn't ), then she will overdose on trashy daytime tv all day...I wonder if Norway has their own versions of Richard & Judy, or Trisha?

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