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 Lene at Sen Kval Med Luuk Swedish TV 4

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ERVI Posted - 17 Feb 2005 : 17:34:23
I've found an old video where Lene's been interviewed at Swedish TV4 in my hard-disk. I can't remember from where I've downloaded it, Lene Zone I guess.
In the video they speak in norwegian (I guess) and I think the video's subtitled in swedish.

Here are some pictures of Lene that night but I wasn't able to find the video still on-line.

I don't understand much, can anyone help translating this to English please

18 is a nice number...
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Lene-Robyn Posted - 29 Mar 2005 : 14:34:19
Thank you so much for the video!!!!! It was so much fun to watch.
Thank you!
northside66 Posted - 29 Mar 2005 : 04:08:48
I've been unable to download from yousendit. I've tried it before and never works for me.
AnanasTyrker Posted - 29 Mar 2005 : 00:36:28
Thanks Daniel, it was nice to watch and I understood most of what they said. She looks sooo hot
Daniel Posted - 28 Mar 2005 : 21:45:15
Ok, because it's (still) easter, I uploaded the file a third and final time.

Pegasus_TDCi Posted - 28 Mar 2005 : 20:20:36
The links from yousendit expire after some days... that's probably the question, probably the link is "old" by now.

The present like I've never seen it before...
Is this the
right place to stay ?

Please, my wings... fly me away...
Please, my
wings, fly me away...

Please, my wings ... fly me away.

Lene-Robyn Posted - 27 Mar 2005 : 21:44:59
The link doesn't work....
lenezone Posted - 17 Mar 2005 : 09:39:17
Originally posted by Daniel

Well, the languages are quite compatible. Of course they are own languages, but you also could say they are just dialects (no offense intended). A bit like in Germany and Austria maybe? Most of the time you understand, but then again there are some strange expressions. *g*

Yeah It's something like that. If you live in North-west Sweden you almost talk norwegian more than Swedish. I live in South-east Sweden but I still understand the most Norwegian :)

Lene Zone http://www.lenezone.cjb.net
Daniel Posted - 16 Mar 2005 : 19:15:31
Well, the languages are quite compatible. Of course they are own languages, but you also could say they are just dialects (no offense intended). A bit like in Germany and Austria maybe? Most of the time you understand, but then again there are some strange expressions. *g*
Marko Posted - 16 Mar 2005 : 18:50:31
Fast and helpful as always. Vielen Dank Daniel!!

The video is very nice and Lene so different from today in some ways, but always so sweet.
Does she understand Swedish? At the beginning I thought they were both speaking Norwegian, but since there are subtitles only when Lene speaks, I guess she understands Swedish but does not speak it (very well).

Cannot control this... this thing called Lene
Daniel Posted - 15 Mar 2005 : 21:09:20
Here it is:

Have fun
Marko Posted - 15 Mar 2005 : 19:22:33
Daniel, could you put it online again, please?
I couldn't download it last month.

Cannot control this... this thing called Lene
Tarnim Posted - 22 Feb 2005 : 00:07:09
Oh I remeber that one. I saw it when it was on tv. I'm downloading it now, it will be fun to see again.

Edit: I just finished seing it. Very fun to see again. Thanx for the link Daniel!

you're right in all the things you do
in all the choises you make
don't be afraid
it all works out in the end
-Lene Marlin, "It's All Good"
ERVI Posted - 19 Feb 2005 : 21:52:16
Thank you very much! I had a lot of fun reading that interview

18 is a nice number...
Daniel Posted - 19 Feb 2005 : 18:50:34
Poor quality:


(34 MB)
Marko Posted - 19 Feb 2005 : 12:42:58
Thank you guys... but is that video still to download somewhere?

Cannot control this... this thing called Lene

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