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 Costa Rica

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Helios Rietberg Posted - 16 Apr 2005 : 09:59:30
I know that this topic might well attract no replies at all, but, oh well...

Any help would be greatly appreciated. See, i have a group assignment, and somehow i've screwed up with agreeing to have the assigned country as Costa Rica. I only know a few words of Spanish/Castillian, and i have no idea what Costa Rica looks like. Luckily i have a guy friend who's Costa Rican, but being as insincere and rather non-chalant as he is, he's not much help.

So... does anyone know any famous musicians from Costa Rica? It's an assignment mostly on the culture of Costa Rica, and i have absolutely no idea about the culture of the place. My assignment in due in just over a month...

Any help would be nice? And also... if i have any problems with Spanish, would you people be as kind as to translate it for me?

Eyes that sparkle deeds in dust,
Silent leaving of love and lust.
Hope still flickering in abused feelings,
Incessant words that give few meanings...

Thoughts of melancholy quietly dwell,
Hypnotised movements under a spell.
Courteous blinking in haughty air,
Coddled warmth in gracious flair...
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Filly Posted - 10 May 2005 : 16:27:05
Youīre wellcome Helios! you know the tapas and the paella!he,he

Good luck with your work!
See ya!
Helios Rietberg Posted - 09 May 2005 : 16:05:13
Filly! Thanks loads! Finally i have something to work on! You want a dinner too? I'll be more than happy to buy you one! Tapas? Paella?

And Darksky, yes, i'll treat you to Chinese food! You can have anything you want... cod fish; pork ribs... whatever! I'm elated! Merci beaucoup!

Eyes that sparkle deeds in dust,
Silent leaving of love and lust.
Hope still flickering in abused feelings,
Incessant words that give few meanings...

Thoughts of melancholy quietly dwell,
Hypnotised movements under a spell.
Courteous blinking in haughty air,
Coddled warmth in gracious flair...
Darksky Posted - 09 May 2005 : 00:10:54
Helios; u're welcome!
Yeah a dinner would b good! ;P Chinese food? yum! hehe!

**gjorde det vondt da du falt ned fra himmelen?**
Filly Posted - 04 May 2005 : 18:40:58
Try this one Helios: http://www.elpanorama.net/dcd/Costa_Rica/Culture/index.shtml

And this:http://www.infocostarica.com/people/melico.html

Also this ones: http://www.alanparsons.com/

Iīve tried to give you links in english so you donīt have to translate from Spanish to England.
See ya
Helios Rietberg Posted - 04 May 2005 : 15:05:55
Thanks Superfan!

And Darksky, thanks a huge bunch! Really, really, really good stuff... I owe you one! Shall i buy you dinner?

Eyes that sparkle deeds in dust,
Silent leaving of love and lust.
Hope still flickering in abused feelings,
Incessant words that give few meanings...

Thoughts of melancholy quietly dwell,
Hypnotised movements under a spell.
Courteous blinking in haughty air,
Coddled warmth in gracious flair...
Darksky Posted - 03 May 2005 : 23:34:40
Hey Helios!
Try this link. It's about famous writers from costa rica. But I don't know about singers...
And this other link is about culture and so on.

Good luck!

**gjorde det vondt da du falt ned fra himmelen?**
Superfan Posted - 03 May 2005 : 21:44:22
WinRAR to extract it (like winZip to extract Zip files)...MS Word to view it

Q: When Is your computer obselete?
A: The day after you learn to use it.
Helios Rietberg Posted - 03 May 2005 : 12:34:26
Thanks loads, Superfan and Filly! Gracias!

Superfan, i got your email and thanks tons... but what program do you use to open it?

Eyes that sparkle deeds in dust,
Silent leaving of love and lust.
Hope still flickering in abused feelings,
Incessant words that give few meanings...

Thoughts of melancholy quietly dwell,
Hypnotised movements under a spell.
Courteous blinking in haughty air,
Coddled warmth in gracious flair...
Filly Posted - 03 May 2005 : 11:47:49
Helios, I donīt know almost anything about Costa Rica, but I think I can help you with Spanish, ok?
Superfan Posted - 16 Apr 2005 : 22:00:31
Well I can't find your gmail address so I guess I'll send the file to your Yahoo E-mail (be sure to check your spam if you can't find it normally)
I'm sending it because the stupid web server wont let me upload it...

-|Still working on it|-

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