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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Filly Posted - 09 May 2005 : 09:31:52
Can someone belonging to this fanclub explain me why this is an official fanclub, not an unofficial one? or what is the difference between being official fanclub or not?
And how did you became official fanclub?
Well, how many questions!! Sorry, but itīs curiosity!!

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Filly Posted - 10 May 2005 : 16:11:17
Ok, so Italian fanclub has acces to "privilege information"... thatīs great!
And I envy you īcause you had the chance to meet Lene!!
Well, that was the result of your hard work, I think
Hope LIAM will have a great succes in Spain and we can make another fanclub!!

See ya and once again thanks Marko.
Marko Posted - 09 May 2005 : 14:40:59

Read the message of October 2003!

Between this world and eternity
There is a face you hope to see...
What if all I want is you?

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