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Posted - 23 Aug 2003 :  17:02:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Since I was not here when many of the articles were published, today I searched and reordened all the articles on the site in the three languages from 10th july on. I found many who where not translated in English, even if sometimes you told us what they said in few words (but this words pass away in the topics, while a translated article remains forever in his section).
I know it's a lot of work, but when you have time, please please translate them with patience so that I can translate them in Italian afterwards. I know many of the articles tell the same things or nearly the same we already know, but you don't know if there's some new interesting news.
The fact we had so many articles in few days doesn't mean we have to ignore some of them which seem to be less important. I always remember that we hadn't almost an article for three years.

1. http://www.vg.no/pub/vgart.hbs?artid=70246

2. http://www.vg.no/pub/vgart.hbs?artid=69870

3. http://www.nrk.no/nyheter/distrikt/nrk_ostlandssendingen/sendinger_nrk_ostlandssendingen/lang_lunsj/2948384.html

4. http://www.vg.no/pub/vgart.hbs?artid=68519

5. http://www.nrk.no/magasin/musikk/nyhende/pop_og_rock/2954126.html

6. http://www.nrk.no/nyheter/distrikt/nrk_troms/2950284.html

7. http://www.dagbladet.no/kultur/2003/08/01/374928.html

8. http://www.dagbladet.no/kultur/2003/08/01/374928.html

9. http://www.dagbladet.no/kultur/2003/08/01/374927.html

10. http://www.dagbladet.no/kultur/2003/08/02/375010.html

11. http://www.vg.no/pub/vgart.hbs?artid=68462

12. Here is another article:

Lene på norsk radio mandag
Source : Nordlys

TROMSØ: Opprinnelig var planen at Lene Marlins nye singel «You Weren't There» skulle radiospilles i Europa og Asia fra samme dato; 28. juli. Den ble sluppet i Italia og Frankrike i går på grunn av ferieavvikling.

Lene Marlin har imidlertid en meget ivrig fanskare i Sør-Europa, og i Italia presset de så hardt på at de fikk radiospille låta fra i går. Da var de ikke snauere enn at de kringkastet den med en gang den var tilgjengelig for dem – klokka 03.30.

Slapp den
– Årsaken til at vi slapp den i Italia og Frankrike såpass tidlig er at playlistene stenges i de landene i neste uke, før de tar ferie, sier EMI-direktør Per Eirik Johansen til Nordlys.

– Dermed synes vi det blir feil at andre radiostasjoner må vente til 28. juli med å spille den, og fra kommende mandag får de norske stasjonene tilgang på singelen.

Italienske Radio Capital la ut et 45 sekunders klipp fra singelen på nettet i går, og fansen kastet seg over den umiddelbart. På diskusjonsforaene hos fanklubbene overøses utgivelsen av skryt.

– Også vi har fått fantastiske tilbakemeldinger fra folk som har hørt den, sier Per Eirik Johansen.

Singelen ventes ikke i butikkene før i slutten av august eller begynnelsen av september, og albumet «Another Day» kommer trolig i slutten av september.

13. Another one:

18 July 2003
Lene Marlins nye låt ute i Italia
Source : Aftenposten
I dag kan italienske radiolyttere høre Lene Marlins etterlengtede nye singel. Den heter "You weren't there" og er en 'typisk' Lene Marlin-låt. Hør snutten her!

Verden har ventet lenge på noe nytt fra Tromsø-jenta. Etter den internasjonale suksessen med debutalbumet "Playing My Game", prisdryss og millionsalg trakk Marlin seg brått ut av rampelyset. Utallige rykter svirret, men Marlin forholdt seg taus.

I natt ble den nye singlen "You weren't there" spilt på italienske radioer.
Hun har en svært aktiv fanklubb i Italia. Fanklubben har oversikt over hvilke radioer som spiller låta og hvor du kan stemme frem Marlin på radioenes playlister. På fanklubbens debattsider har fansen allerede gitt sine kommentarer.

- Den vakre og myke stemmen er umiskjennelig og litt melankolsk (...) og svever som en sky gjennom sangen. Når man hører sangen for andre gang får man følelsen av å treffe en gammel venn, skriver presidenten for fanklubben, som også presiserer at dét ikke betyr at han mener at Marlin ikke har utviklet seg.

Singlen kommer ikke i butikkene før 8. september og albumet "Another Day" slippes 22. september

14. The last one:

Europa vil ha Lene Marlin
Source : Aftenposten
Både MTV og ZTV kaster seg over den nye videoen, og hele Europa vil igjen ha en bit av henne. Plutselig er Lene Marlin tilbake i rampelyset for fullt.


Etter tre og et halvt års taushet og personlige problemer er Lene Marlin (22) igjen i sentrum for oppmerksomheten, og hun er tydeligvis ikke glemt. Både ZTV og den svært viktige musikkanalen MTV setter hennes nye video "You Weren't There" på tung rotasjon fra første mulighet kommende mandag. På MTV kjøres den som såkalt "fresh", som betyr 65 spillinger per uke.

- Herregud, jeg fikk akkurat vite om MTV. Hva skal man si? Tusen takk. Veien tilbake hit har vært en lang og innholdsrik berg-og-dal-bane, kan man vel si, at sånn mottagelse føles bare veldig, veldig godt, sier Lene Marlin.

Samtidig strømmer det på med forespørsler om mye promoveringsarbeid for come-back-artisten, ifølge plateselskapet Virgin fra land over hele Europa.

- Som den evige pessimist prøver jeg å legge litt lokk på gleden, men jeg klarer det bare ikke, sier Marlin og hopper i stolen.

Det hun derimot ikke legger skjul på, er problemene hun fikk med all oppmerksomheten etter suksessdebuten "Playing My Game" i 1999, den som gjorde henne til popstjerne og solgte 1,8 millioner album og 2 millioner singler. Problemer som er årsaken til at hun har vært så lenge borte, og som hun måtte ha profesjonell hjelp til å komme over.

- Risikoen ved å være borte så lenge fra popbransjen var jeg villig til å ta, og tiden har vært viktig både personlig og musikalsk. På et tidspunkt handlet det om "hvis" og ikke "når" i forhold til ny plate, men gleden av å lage musikk ble etter hvert sterkest og til slutt falt ting på plass, sier Lene Marlin.

Nå har hun brukt tid på å forberede seg på hva som måtte komme. Brukt tid på å tørre.

- Denne gangen vil jeg ha en positiv opplevelse med alt. Jeg vet mer, vil beskytte meg mer, og forbeholde meg retten til å si nei. Jeg har en naiv tanke om at det må gå an å gi ut en plate og samtidig føle at man har kontroll på privatlivet, sier Marlin.

Det mistet hun i alt oppstyret sist. I en lang periode bodde hun for eksempel fast på Grand i Oslo, fordi hun ikke hadde tid til å reise hjem til Tromsø, og da hun endelig kjøpte seg leilighet i Oslo hadde hun bare to kofferter med ting.

- Det sier jo sitt. Til slutt følte jeg meg overvåket, og det er ikke en behagelig følelse. En del opplevelser fra den gangen sitter igjen her inne, sier Marlin og holder seg på hjertet.

- Det skjedde noen overtramp fra media som jeg bare ikke kan begripe. Jeg nekter å akseptere at det skal være greit at det sitter to personer med kamera i hver sin bil med mørke ruter utenfor leiligheten min for å ta bilde av meg uansett hvor jeg går ut. Respekten for medmennesket kan ikke bli borte selv om en person blir kjent, sier Marlin.

Og selv om hun ikke liker å snakke så mye om tekstene sine, er det tydelig at opplevelser de fire siste årene presser seg på også der. Aftenposten har hørt fire låter fra albumet, og det er lett å tolke både "Disguise" og "Sorry" som selvopplevde historier om en jente som fikk nok av presset og til slutt gjemte seg bort med dårlig samvittighet for alt og alle.

- De som har hørt låtene sier at de blir deres fordi de kjenner seg igjen, og det er så bra. Jeg er jo ikke alene i verden om å oppleve tanken "hvordan skal jeg komme gjennom dette her". Man trenger ikke være artist for å føle det på den måten, det er bare å snakke med hvilken som helst person på gaten, sier Lene Marlin.

22. september er albumet "Another Day" ute, fire og et halvt år etter "Playing My Game". Virgin satser i første omgang tungt på det europeiske og asiatiske markedet, og Lene Marlin må igjen pakke kofferten og dra ut på en lignende reise som den som ødela for henne sist. I en popbransje hun ikke helt føler seg hjemme i.

- Når jeg går ut døren med kofferten kommer jeg til å tenke at "nå skal jeg dit og dit og der har jeg minner", men også at "jeg vil vite at jeg kommer hjem og rekker det og det bursdagsselskapet". Og så vil jeg ikke ha dårlig samvittighet...

“I’m here again because I’ve got my passion back. I’ve never thought about writing a song that will sell because I don't approach music like that. If I thought in that manufactured way, I know I wouldn’t be able to do it” Lene Marlin 2003

Edited by - Marko on 24 Aug 2003 14:56:00


26 Posts

Posted - 23 Aug 2003 :  17:52:50  Show Profile  Visit tefjohs's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Marko, I have just posted a small translation of an article published in VG (Norway's largest newspaper) today, Saturday, on www.lene-marlin.no , where I'm now an official staff associate (horrayh! :)).

However, that doesn't mean I can't continue translating articles for you guys, and rest assured I will, when I have the time (and patience). Hopefully others will also take on some of the work involved.

However, for the more recent tidbits from norwegian press and other news items, please refer to lene-marlin.no, as news and translations will be posted there regularly, since I now can take some load off memo's (the webmaster) shoulders.

Please note that Lene-related e-mails to me should now preferably be sent to: tefjohs@lene-marlin.no Thanks.

Edited by - tefjohs on 23 Aug 2003 17:53:44
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26 Posts

Posted - 23 Aug 2003 :  19:21:34  Show Profile  Visit tefjohs's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Okay, this is No. 12 on your list:
(I will continue translating, and give you the corresponding number in your list to keep track)

Lene on norwegian radio, monday.
Source : Nordlys

TROMSØ: Originally, the plan was that Lene Marlin's new single, "You weren't there", was supposed to be aired on radio in Europe and Asia from the same date; July 28. However, it was released in Italy and France yesterday due to the vacation period coming up.

Lene Marlin has some very eager fans in South Europe, and in Italy they pushed so hard that they were allowed to air the track already from yesterday on. They went hurrily on and broadcasted the song immediately when it was available to them - at 03:30 AM.

Released it.
- The reason that we released it in Italy and France this early is that the playlists close in those countries from next week, before they go on holidays, says EMI-director Per Eirik Johansen to Nordlys.

- Hence, we thought it was wrong that other radio stations would have to wait until July 28 to play the song, and from the coming monday the norwegian stations will have the single available to them.

Italian Radio Capital put out a 45 second clip from the single on the net yesterday, and the fans threw themselves upon it immediately. On the discussion forums at fan sites the release is being overwhelmed with positive mentioning.

- We have also had great feedback from people who have heard it, says Per Eirik Johansen.

The single is not expected in stores until the end of August or at the beginning of September, and the album "Another Day" is due out at the end of September.

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Posted - 23 Aug 2003 :  19:59:27  Show Profile  Visit tefjohs's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Here is No. 13:

18 July 2003
Lene Marlins new track out in Italy
Source : Aftenposten

Today, italian radio-listeners can hear Lene Marlin's long-awaited new single. It's called "You weren't there", and it's a "typical" Lene Marlin track. Listen to it here!


The world has waited long for something new from the girl from Tromsø. After the international success with the debut album "Playing my Game", a lot of prizes and sales in the millions, Marlin suddenly withdrew from the spotlight. Innumerable rumours buzzed, but Marlin kept silent.

Last night the new single "You weren't there" was played on italian radio. She has a very active fan club in Italy. The fan club has an overview of which radio stations that are playing the song, and where you could vote for Marlin on the radio playlists. On the fan club's forum pages the fans have already given their comments.

- The beautiful and soft voice is unmistakable and a bit melancholy (...) and floats like a sky through the song. When you listen to the song for the second time you get the feeling of meeting an old friend, the president of the fan club writes, who also emphasizes that this doesn't mean that he thinks that Marlin hasn't evolved.

The single is not due out in retail stores until September 8, and the album "Another Day" will be released September 22.

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Posted - 23 Aug 2003 :  21:14:20  Show Profile  Visit tefjohs's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Here is No 14:
Europe wants Lene Marlin
Source : Aftenposten

Both MTV and ZTV throw themselves at the new video, and the whole of Europe again wants a piece of her. Suddenly Lene Marlin is back in the public eye at full strength.


After three and a half years of silence and personal problems, Lene Marlin (22) is again at the centre of attention, and she is evidently not forgotten. Both ZTV and the very important music channel MTV puts her new video "You weren't there" on heavy rotation from the first possible moment the coming Monday. On MTV is will run as so-called "fresh", meaning 65 playbacks per week.

- Oh, my God, I'd just heard about MTV. What am I to say? A thousand thanks! The road back here has been a long and eventful roller coaster, I might say, and such a reception just feels so very, very good, says Lene Marlin.

At the same time requests for a lot of promotion work are pouring in from countries all over Europe for the come-back artist, according to the record company Virgin.

- Like the eternal pessimist I try to put a lid on the rejoicing, but I just can't manage to do it, Marlin says and jumps in her chair.

The problems.
What she is not trying to make a secret of, are the problems she encountered due to all the attention after the success debut "Playing my Game" in 1999, that made her a pop star and sold 1.8 million albums and 2 million singles. Problems that are the reasons why she has been away for so long, and that she had to get professional help to overcome.

- The risk of being away from the pop industry for so long I was willing to take, and this time period has been important both personally and musically. At some point, it was about "if" and not "when" in regards to a new album, but my joy in making music eventually became so strong, and in the end things were falling into place, says Lene Marlin.

Now she has spent time preparing for what lies ahead. Spent time daring.

- This time I want to have a positive experience with everything. I know more, will protect myself more, and I will reserve the right to say no. I have this naive thought that it must be possible to release an album and at the same time feel that you have control over your personal life, says Marlin.

She lost that in all the commotion the last time. For a long time she, for instance, stayed permanently at Grand (Hotel) in Oslo, because she didn't have time to return home to Tromsø, and when she finally bought an apartment in Oslo, she only had two suitcases with personal stuff with her.

- That says a lot. In the end, I felt monitored, and that is not a pleasant feeling. Some experiences from that time is still with me here inside, says Marlin as she holds her hands above her heart.

- There were some violations from the media that I just can't comprehend. I can't accept that it is supposed to be okay that two persons with a camera, each in their own car with dark windows outside my apartment, waiting to take pictures of me whenever I'm going outside. The respect for your fellow human being can't be lost even though a person gets to be well-known, says Marlin.

And even though she doesn't like discussing her own lyrics, it is apparent that experiences the last four years is pressing forward in that respect as well. Aftenposten has heard four songs from the album, and it is easy to interpret both "Disguise" and "Sorry" as personally experienced stories about a girl that got enough of the strain and in the end was hiding away with a bad conscience about everything and everyone.

- Those who have heard the songs say that they get to be theirs because they recognize themselves in it, and that is so good. I'm not alone in this world having experienced the thought "how am I going to get through this". You don't need to be an artist to feel that way, one could just talk to any person on the street, says Lene Marlin.

September 22 the album "Another Day" is due out, four and a half years after "Playing my Game". Virgin is at the outset concentrating heavily on the europian and asian market, and Lene Marlin will have to pack her suitcase and embark on a similar journey like the one that ruined things for her the last time around. In a pop industry where she's not entirely feeling at home.

- When I walk out the door with the suitcase I will think "now I'm going there and there and I have memories from there", but also that "I want to know that I will be able to get home and be able to join that and that birthday party". And I don't want to have a bad conscience...


Edited by - tefjohs on 23 Aug 2003 21:16:24
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26 Posts

Posted - 24 Aug 2003 :  01:26:12  Show Profile  Visit tefjohs's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Here is VG no. 1 on the list, a lengthy special feature article. A great review, and with lots of details one might or might not know. Also, the article at one point reads "1996", but am I right saying it should be "1997"? (When Lene was discovered on the bus ride).

When did you crack, Lene?
Source: VG (02.08.03) (Note: This was a VG Saturday special feature article, hence its unusual wide scope).

- I feel like a 14-year-old on a first-time date, stuttering and not able to say what I want to say.


THE ROAD BACK: This week Lene Marlin came out of her shell. Nervous, but relieved. Three years and 185 days after she went underground. The success became larger than she could handle.

She was smiling slantingly. Looked down into the floor. It was late Wednesday night, this week. Almost midnight. She had been sitting by the table and had a couple of beers.

- I'm going to do it. Damned, I'm doing it, she said.

She was about to come out of herself that night. She had been avoiding the stage, avoiding the city, the people, herself. In three years and 185 days. Now it had to stop. She got up and left the table, strolled towards the bar-keeper, the old friend from Tromsø, before she said:

- Is it okay if I do some songs? It's possible my record company won't appreciate it, it's beside any plan. But I really want to...

She took her glasses off. Went to the toilet to put make-up on around her eyes. We could study how Lene Marlin built herself up to meet the world again. She came now, with determined steps, towards the stage. Like a gentle bomb.

- Hi, my name is Lene, I haven't played for anyone in three years. I was sitting here in this bar, and I thought...

She drew her breath.

- I don't dear looking at you. I'm so mindlessly nervous. So bear with me. Would you?

She sang. Lene Marlin sang out.

- I'm Sorry, she sang. After three years and 185 days.

Where did she crack? Where did she lose track?

Lene Marlin sits in a room, smiling, she drinks coffee from a cup which has Quiet Is The New Loud printed on it.

- Where I lost track? To be honest, there is a lot that's gone. Just totally gone. I know I was both here and there. But I don't remember. It's all black to me. Whether I was conscious or not, I can't say. In any case, it was very serious. Serious enough that it has taken all this time. Things just came and went without me knowing. And there I hit that concrete wall.

- Is it an illness? An anxiety?

- An illness? I don't know what they call it. I was just thinking: "Now I'm not able to anymore. I can't do it anymore. Stop now!" It came to me, these painful thoughts.

- When were you more afraid?

- There are, as I've said, lots of black holes here. I can't make year one from year two. When you feel you're losing control, that is dangerous, it's a feeling that is not good to have inside of you. My God, I was so worried. It was totally out of my control. If I could have said, "yes, I want to be a pop star". But I didn't want that. I had no clue. Nor did anyone around me. I think we didn't have any clue whatsoever.

- Were you well enough protected?

- Well, you can be as prepared as you want. It will never be the same as when you're in the middle of it. But in the last period of my traveling activities...

Lene Marlin speaks her mind now.

- I feel I should have stopped earlier. I should have stopped earlier.

- When?

- No, but it's noone's fault. Noone to blame. You can cross a line or two in yourself. But when you at some point crosses the last one, the path of return is bound to be horribly long. I could probably have released another record two years ago. That could really have been tragic for me. And for many others.

It was the week when she reached and exceeded one million albums sold that she began to crack. Oslo Spektrum, February 26, 2000. She had an exhausted expression about her. She had tears in her eyes. Despite that she sat there with four Spellemann awards in her lap.

- I pray for peace, for myself and mine. I'm so incredibly, incredibly tired now.

The day after she went home. It had only happened once before in the history of Tromsø Airport that a person had been allowed to be picked up by a car out by the airplane. Lene couldn't stand to walk through arrivals. The thought of the masses, the commotion. She was secretly arranged a passageway into the home city through a rear entrance, she just wanted to celebrate her brother's wedding in peace at home.

- The fact that I'm always hunted, scares me very much, she said. She was to take a month on vacation. It lasted for three years. - I had a dream in life, to get a record deal. Now I just dream of a day where I can forget it all. I was looking forward to releasing the next album, but now I'm not sure if I dare to, she said.

She was captured. There were no exits anymore. It all ended in the psychologist's office.

- It was me alone that seeked out help. If you have a broken foot, you don't walk around limping on that foot. But if you have a bit of buzzing inside your head...you're not supposed to seek help? I'm so glad I did just that. It became completely natural. Without problems. No big deal. It's so silly it's so taboo, this matter. It sure works fine with me, and it's something I want to keep on doing. Because I benefit from it. It's such a great valve to have.

- What kind of help is it? Is it conversation therapy?

- Well, what seeking professional help involves, people will have to figure it out for themselves. I don't need to fill in or give any clear-cut answers on this.

Lene Marlin says she has been hurt a few times. By rumours. By words.

- I remember a debate on the radio. It was about me. It was an editor in a newspaper that said "we demand to know why Lene Marlin is not here, why she's gone". I was thinking "my dear, you're a grown man, you have got to realize that you can't claim something like that". What a sad man. I felt sorry, it was hurting me. I'm not embarrassed by a single thing. Really.

A storm was rising in Lene Marlin's life.

- Do you have a paracet? I have a headache, Lene Marlin said. One day in 1999. She pulled her hat down on her head. They stood on the rooftops and was screaming from the balconies. Lene had gotten a police escort to an italian town she didn't know the name of. She caught her breath, said "damned it" twice, and went on.

Lene Marlin was forced into a new life. Picked up straight from the girl's room in Tromsø.

She was only 18 years old. "She fights desperately for the control over her own life", a newspaper reported even the week before the debut album "Playing my Game" was released in Mars 1999.

- I'm prepared for everything. But I'm an eternal pessimist, said the girl. One day a lawyer came with a comprehensive contract to her in the large break at school. Journalists came unannounced into the classroom.

- Do you feel feel that you have control over your life now, she was asked.

- Do we ever have?, Marlin answered. February, that same school-year: "Tromsø-girl Lene Marlin about to save the record-year 1999 - for the whole of Europe", Music&Media writes, the Billboard of Europe, with capital letters. Lene Marlin, the girl who had never ever stood on a stage. Who did not know a single note. It was like the weigth of the expectations pushed the air out of her small body.

- I have problems seeing myself in a company like this.

Inside the schoold boundaries, her main teacher Hugo Markussen was interviewed.

- "She ran faster than the boys in her class. And when the amount of teaching became too much, she would play some songs for us, like a therapy for the class".

It was one late evening after the summer holidays in 1996 that Lene Marlin was discovered. She was on the bus from the Tromsø centre because her father couldn't find the time to pick her up. She had been allowed to record some songs in NRK's studio. A man approached her on the bus. NRK journalist Egil Pettersen.

- I have listened to you. And I have fallen totally for you, he said. Could he please be allowed to send the demo cassette to a friend in a record company?

Per Eirik Johansen, Virgin Records, just needed half a minute to recognize a jewel.

One year later Lene Marlin rang on the door at the NRK journalist Pettersen's home. She stood on the stairs with a bouquet of yellow tulips. To say thanks.

- I hope you'd want to thank me in a few years as well. I hope I haven't been part of putting restraints on something you won't be as happy about in the future, he said.

He didn't know what a point he had just made.

- I became insecure. If I smiled at people, I feared they would think I was so happy with myself. If I didn't smile, I was afraid they'd think of me as haughty, she explains.

"Little me", she called herself. 160 centimeters. - I'm a small girl at 18 years concerned with things similar to any other 18-year old. Become a graduate, complete school and watch "Mandagsklubben" (The Monday Club) on TV. The only thing I want is to have fun. And I don't want to discuss lyrics, politics, religion and...love.

She wanted to have a grip on life, over the creation of music, about what was being said by her and about her. In her surroundings they said she could be as hard as rock. That she was a control freak. At that time, Lene Marlin could walk gently into the hotel room in Oslo, turn on all lights, check the closets, look under the bed, into the bathroom, it's a bad habit she has, she said, fearing that somebody might be there.

- It all seems so distant, she said. Lene Marlin repeated it like a mantra. She was sitting on the gigantic The Point in Dublin. She sat and held firmly the MTV Award statuette she had recieved as Best Nordic Act. There, outside in the corridors, Bono was winking at her. They circled her, the journalists.

- Are you more happy now than before?, an italian asked.

- Well, when you're sitting alone in a hotel room in Spain, and have worked for 32 hours in two days, then you just wish you were home. Or sitting in a room in Zurich on a Saturday evening, talking to my friends back home before they're going out on town, while I have to go to bed because we're bound for another country at 5 AM the morning after...

At Christmas that year, in 1999, Lene Marlin had earned almost 21 million nkr. The year before she was registered with an income of 22 900 nkr.

- I have taken decisions that I didn't think I'd have to take until I became 30 or 40.

It was about to become even bigger. Lene Marlin made her first appearance at no. 6 in the UK charts.

- Oh, my God. Now we are in Champion's League, cried record director Johansen.

- I don't dare foresee anything about the future, but in many ways I think things speak for themselves right now. We could've sent her around the globe for a year. They are totally desperate for her, he commented.

Even the editorials in the newspapers were about Lene Marlin now.

"We can only wait in excitement for the next boundary she will exceed. There are no limitations for her anymore".

However, that was exactly what it was.

Because it was everyone fighting for her now.

"Lene Marlin has a supporting team which is not concerned with anything other to milk the cow they've been set to watch over", cried the local newspaper Nordlys in an editorial, after having recieved a "no" on a request. "Her supporting team has become a rejection team. It would seem they've put her in an aquarium, where she is to be held distant from the real world". For NRK Troms it also cracked, after her managers had said no to letting her make an appearance in "Sommeråpent" TV show.

- Poor excuse. We discovered her, NRK complained.

Lene was no longer a swan, but a sparrow among vultures. Hans Olav Grøttheim, Lene's right hand and musical daddy at Virgin, could relieve some pressure this week.

- There are not that many editors I haven't told to go to hell during these years. I have plenty of bad things to say about the way media has treated Lene Marlin.

- Be happy, and don't care about what others might say about you, the falling Spice-Girls star Mel C had tried to reassure some months earlier. At that time Lene Marlin hardly knew where she was living.

- I could often sit on a plane without knowing where I was going, she told us.

She could visit 29 cities in 14 days.

- I don't think it's people who disappoint me, I think it's me that disappoints me. Somebody came up with these relations to home. To show how absurd everything was. She grew up in the basement apartment of a blue house far into the narrow Ullsfjord, by Stordalstrand, where there are six houses and no mobile phones can get through.

In the backseat of a car racing through the streets of Tokyo, May 1999, she mumbled:

- I don't think I'd ever get used to this kind of life.

She was making about 92 000 nkr a day now. While Marlin was sitting in the hotel room reading law, the royalty fare meter was rolling.

She was just Lene M. Pedersen. A simple suburban girl that played a little soccer and practising tae-kwon-do, and who liked rough games on Playstation and movies with Nicholas Cage, and who collected teddy-bears. A sensitive soul, a gentle kid in the pop world. The young girl had been like a pressurized boiler, bubbling with undelivered music. She has gotten it all out again now.

Lene Marlin is sitting there, talking fast, can't seem to fix her eyes on anything, it wanders, before it hits. And it is then she makes this little speech.

- Yes, I'm not a politician, I'm not a royalty, I have not come back to rule the country. I'm just going to make some music. No more mumbo-jumbo. I'm not going to distribute tax money or build roads, I'm not going to take any responsibility. That's why I have problems sometimes. People tell me I have to accept some prying into my life. But no, I won't accept that. Am I naive now, by the way?

- No...

- Good.

Lene Marlin laughs out loud, and then she says Thank You.


Edited by - tefjohs on 24 Aug 2003 02:09:07
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Staff Lene.it / Moderator

949 Posts

Posted - 24 Aug 2003 :  14:51:14  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Congratulations Tefjohs!! You really deserve it.
I tell you I was thinking just yesterday that you would be a good collaborator for the English section, 'cos you seem to be serious and you showed it again with the great work you've done in only a few hours (I think you work hard and 1 min. ago I had confirm viewing in your profile that you're even Uni teacher in chemistry )
But obviously you're not the only one that helped us til now and I take this opportunity to thank again all the people from Norway, starting from Ole Martin, who was our only norwegian collaborator in the past hard years, and undertheweather (here his nick is remind_me) who visited this site and gave us spontaneously some news yet before Lene came back officially.

Til now on the int. forum you're 9 fans from Norway, the most numerous between the "foregneirs". It's obvious, 'cos Lene is your countrywoman, and the work you (and we) do is for her and for all her fans, you know.
It's obvious too that now tefjohs has not to do all the work and, in any case, take your time, tefjohs... I also have to translate them
I repeat: these articles are only for the archive; we have to give priority to the last news. But, as I said, we can't ignore all these articles about Lene, and if we don't put them in order now, later it will be much more difficult to do. I think also that one day we could have the wish to read some of them, so the only thing we'll have to do is give a look into the article section: the Norwegian in the norwegian version, English or others in the english section and the Italians in the italian one.

So thank you all again and tefjohs, I don't know how to thank you, but at the end we're all Lene's fan. We do only help each other, don't we?

“I’m here again because I’ve got my passion back. I’ve never thought about writing a song that will sell because I don't approach music like that. If I thought in that manufactured way, I know I wouldn’t be able to do it” Lene Marlin 2003

Edited by - Marko on 24 Aug 2003 14:59:13
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26 Posts

Posted - 24 Aug 2003 :  15:13:13  Show Profile  Visit tefjohs's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Here is No. 2:
Tomorrow Lene Marlin will talk.

Source: VG Nett (30.07.03)

When Lene Marlin (22) at last is going to talk to the fans, she decides to do it first on radio.

Tomorrow, Thursday, Lene Marlin talks in public for the first time in three years. About 25 radiostations are about to getting the 22-year-old to speak during the day.

- We choose to let the radiostations get at her first, because of the great support we got from just radio when Lene launched her first record. Radio is some of the most important, and EMI wants the norwegian radiostations to be first in line, says product manager of EMI, Cecilie Norseth Jonasson, to VG Nett.

Great interest.
Publishing press will have to wait until the day after.

- The daily press is scheduled for Friday. The influx has been enormous. We get the idea that this is something people really have been longing for, says Norseth Jonasson.

The Tromsø-girl has not spoken publicly since the triumph at the Spellemann-awards three years ago. Now Norway awaits in suspense to hear what the active recording artist has to say about why she suddenly and surprisingly chose to withdraw from the limelight.

- Bad conscience.

The speculations and the rumours have been many about the pop favourite, but Lene has never let herself be talked into revealing to the press what actually happened when she withdrew after having taken both Norway and the international arena by storm.

- I'm sorry and I'm struggling with a bad conscience for everything and everyone, but I still don't feel strong enough to come forth and explain. It will take time, and I need my peace, Lene Marlin told VG through her manager Arne Svare in November 2001.

New record.
It has long been known that Lene is working on a new record, the sequel to the debut success "Playing my Game" from 1999. The album "Another Day" will be launched on September 22. The first single from the album, "You Weren't There", was sent to the radiostations last Monday.

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Posted - 24 Aug 2003 :  20:57:49  Show Profile  Visit tefjohs's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Here is No 3, an NRK article:
"Know more about what it is"

Source: NRK Web, 31.07.03.
By Elin Martinsen

Lene Marlin wants to do a concert tour with the new record. The interview rounds she started today. 25 norwegian radio-reporters stood in line. Now she knows more about how the game goes.

Possible un-plugged tour.
If a concert tour should be a reality, it's possible that it will be acoustic. Lene Marlin likes that format. And she did take a trip up on a small stage in Frognerveien in Oslo yesterday evening.

- I was so sincerely nervous that I was thinking I just had to do it, and then I was not to look at people, I was to look down at the floor, then everything should be fine.

These are Lene Marlin's words as reporter Kalle Turkerud met her in the record company's premises on Karl Johan this morning.

Have been silent for three years.
- I can only say it has been time well spent, I'm a few experiences richer, know a bit more about what this is, then it feels a lot safer.

Lene Marlin withdrew three years ago. Before that she made a solid international success by selling 1.8 million copies of "Playing my Game", five Spellemann-award statuettes, four Hit-Award statuettes and the MTV Award for Best Nordic Act.

She became more and more surprised as the various success stories reached her. It resulted in promotion tours and airports, but no concert tour. And she is still not sure if there is going to be a tour with the new record.
- I really want to, I feel very much for the acoustic setting, it's so close.

She could possibly realize it could be promotive for the myth to withdraw so totally, but the success most people only might dream of is in reality strenuous.

Has been sleeping a great lot.
What has Lene Marlin been doing for three years, when she hasn't been speaking to journalists and constantly been sitting in new hotel rooms? She has been relaxing and creating music. And been sleeping a great lot.

- It became essential finding my way back to a life which didn't involve running around in airports and hotels, and being in countries and not be able to remember where you'd been afterwards. It all became so massive that it was good to retire.

Exploding in Italy.
Lene Marlin meets 25 radio reporters today, and the remainder of the norwegian journalists the next two days. Afterwards she is going to follow up on the same countries where she had success the last time around, Italy, France and England. Her record company says that the single "You weren't there" has exploded on italian radio stations the last few days. It is eventually bound to be a few airports in Italy as well.

- Have you paid attention now and made sure you're up on your Italian, Spanish and French?
- I'm incredibly poor when it comes to languages. I'm going to make an attempt when I'm going to Italy, I'm going to try learning some words.
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Staff Lene.it / Moderator

949 Posts

Posted - 24 Aug 2003 :  22:34:02  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hey Tefjohs, don't tire yourself, there's time!! I'll never thank you enough, there are so many interesting news.
For ex. this last article, did someone know about an un-plugged tour? I don't think.
This means Lene could release an un-plugged cd and this sort of work is very appreciated by many people.
An un-plugged tour, something more intimate like some performances lenezone has on her site. Yes, that would be the right tour for Lene and a way not to stress her to much.

What does "It is eventually bound to be a few airports in Italy as well." mean exactly?

“I’m here again because I’ve got my passion back. I’ve never thought about writing a song that will sell because I don't approach music like that. If I thought in that manufactured way, I know I wouldn’t be able to do it” Lene Marlin 2003
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Posted - 24 Aug 2003 :  23:25:49  Show Profile  Visit tefjohs's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hey, Marko, it's no problem for me doing this work; I'm just glad to spread Lene's words to those that have no way of understanding this troublesome norwegian language :)

"It is eventually bound to be a few airports in Italy as well." - This would mean that Lene is at some point heading for Italy, either to do promotion or perhaps even do live concerts (who knows, one thing's for sure is that she will be going to Italy at one time or another).

VG's review of "You weren't there" coming up....
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Posted - 25 Aug 2003 :  00:17:12  Show Profile  Visit tefjohs's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Here is No 4, the review of YWT by VG, personally I think it's a bit disappointing they only gave 4 of 6 points, considering many other papers gave 5/6, but here it is and it's still good reading:
Lene Marlin: «You Weren't There» single review

Source: VG (4/6 on VG's review dice)


After such a long break, it would be easy to raise the expectations to a high level, and the first single from Lene Marlin's come-back album is definitely not a disappointment. "You Weren't There" is a peaceful and almost mournful track which draws associations to Cardigans in their soft mood.

The melody in itself is not necessarily that special, and does not separate itself noticeably from the multitude of "nice" guitar-based pop/rock songs that circulates these days. It may seem a bit tame and monotonous, but the song as a whole nevertheless gives a special feeling. That is presumably mostly because of Lene's voice, which expresses a delicacy and a sadness which makes the song project as very real.

In terms of production the song is on par with Lene Marlin's previous releases, which means really good, but at the same time it lacks some of the energy and the force which was found in "Unforgivable Sinner" and "Sitting Down Here".

However, we can't miss the fact that this is a pleasant and almost a bit moving musical return for the long-awaited girl from Tromsø.

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Posted - 25 Aug 2003 :  00:49:59  Show Profile  Visit tefjohs's Homepage  Reply with Quote
No 5 right here, an NTB release published on NRK web:
Marlin denies photo

Published by NTB PLUSS (from NRK Web), 01.08.03

The complete chaos when Lene Marlin arrived at the premises of record company Virgin in Oslo Friday morning. A representative from Virgin did her best to screen the media-shy artist from the photographer.

Friday Lene Marlin spoke once again to the newspaper journalists, but the photographers weren't even allowed to work outside.

The record company Virgin has no comments to the photo denial in connection with the interviews, besides that they have taken their own pictures which will be distributed to the press in two rounds, some in relation to the interviews published Saturday, and some in relation to the next round of interviews, which most probably will be about the time of the album-release in September.

Photo barricade.
Thus, the readers will see exactly the same pictures in all papers as Lene Marlin is being interviewed by the newspapers for the first time in three years.

The rather anomalous practice lead Scanpix and VG to sending their own photographers to Marlin's arrival to the record company Virgin in Karl Johan's street. While VG managed to show up two minutes too late, Scanpix was prevented by a record company associate who placed herself in the "line of fire" between the photographer and Marlin.

- Placing oneself in the way physically in this way is rather uncommon, especially by people who should be used to, and is dependent on, the interest of the media. It's somewhat reminiscent of a visit by Michael Jackson, and not a norwegian artist looking for attention in relation to an album release, says managing editor Gunnar Lier of Scanpix.

Happens more often.
News editor Hans-Christian Vadseth of VG explains that the newspaper more often experiences artists and record companies trying to take control over what statements and which pictures getting out.

- That is not something we become enthusiastic over, we believe it's better if these things function freely. If this is how Lene Marlin wants to do it, she might just have her way. I'm not sure if that's a clever move by her, but that's not up to me to assess, says Vadseth.

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Posted - 25 Aug 2003 :  01:11:35  Show Profile  Visit tefjohs's Homepage  Reply with Quote
No 6, last one for today :)
An excited Lene Marlin.

Tromsø-girl Lene Marlin says she's excited and nervous about taking in public again. After having been away from the limelight for over three years, she's finally back to talk about her new single and her new album.

By Siv Helberg.

- It became a bit too much, says Lene Marlin about all the attention she recieved during her breakthrough in 1997.

The girl from Tromsø recieved a massive amount of attention, both at home and abroad, after having sold unbelievably 1.7 million copies of the debut album "Playing my Game".

- I felt the need to withdraw, it became totally necessary, says Lene Marlin to NRK. Now she's happy about the good reviews her new single has recieved. - I'm very happy about getting such a great reception. After having been away for so long as I have, you can't expect that.

Now the attention is being directed towards the 22-year-old once again. - It's difficult preparing for things about to happen, so I have to take things as they come, says a fit Lene Marlin.

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Tef Johs

496 Posts

Posted - 25 Aug 2003 :  22:45:28  Show Profile  Visit Tef Johs's Homepage  Reply with Quote
No 7 right here:
Sleeping Beauty of pop is back.
Caption: THE AIR IS FOR LENE: For seven hours Lene Marlin gave interviews to radio stations from all over the country. Afterwards she was equally happy.

First she slept all the time, then Lene Marlin (22) recieved help to find back the joy in music. Yesterday she was back from her three years of Sleeping Beauty lull.

Source: Dagbladet

- I think I ought to be totally honest and confirm that I seeked out professional help. These were things I didn't want to potter with on my own, Lene Marlin said to P4's producer. Lene broke the silence on 25 radio stations yesterday. Everybody wanted to know where she had been, and what she had been doing the last three years. People were nearly bursting with inquisitiveness.

- The first period of time I just slept. It was good having some sleep, she said to NRK P3.

Out of the hibernation.
However, it was probably not years of sleeping which made Marlin lose her sleep the night before yesterday. It was rather the nervousness about meeting the press again, and maybe the fear of unpleasant questions. Lene Marlin disappeared like dew before the sun after the Spellemann awards in 2000. Nobody heard a croak from her since then.

- It was a bit too much at one time. I felt the need to withdraw and do some thinking, Marlin told Synnøve Svabø on NRK P1.

- I had to find back the joy in music, because it was lost there for a moment, I'd have to say, she continued, surprisingly honest.

- Did you feel so down as to consider quitting?

- It wasn't a question of *when* the next record was to be released, but rather *if* it was.

Marlin was 19 years when she disappeared. 19 years and a superstar with 1.8 million records sold on her conscience and 9.8 million nkr in the bank. Life was hectic and the expectations were enormous. She jumped off the roundabout at high speed. Now Marlin is over the steep hill. She seems bubbling and happy. The self-chosen lull has evidently been healthily for her. Marlin describes the break as necessary herself, but also as time well spent. She is not afraid that the speed is about to be too high once again.

Richer in experiences.
- I'm a great deal of experiences richer, know more about what this is. That's why it feels more safer now. This time I'm a bit wiser, she said to NRK Tromsø.

The station wondered what Lene would have done differently if she was given the chance to do things over again.

- I would have tried to protect myself better. You can't be available 24 hours a day. And you have to make sure you have some fun along the way.

- What do you think about all the speculations concerning your own personality?

- It hasn't always been fun. In the end I just had to stop reading the newspaper. Marlin explained to P4 that her relationship with the press is somewhat divided.

- It depends on what kind of attention I get. If I don't want it, it's not that pleasant.

Despite the speculations and the unwanted attention, Marlin is grateful for the positive attention she's recieving now.

The reviews of the single "You Weren't There" have been fairly well.

Uncertain future.
- Honestly, I didn't have any expectations. It's not that clever a thing being away for so long like I have been, so this reception is very overwhelming, she said to NRK P1.

The timetable ahead is uncertain. First Marlin is going to be in the limelight for a few days. Today she's meeting the newspapers, tomorrow it's the great TV-day. After this she's going to follow up on the press in England, Italy and France.

No solid concert- or touring plans have been settled, but it may happen she's heading for an acoustic tour sometime soon.

The little spontaneous performance Marlin did on Wednesday on the bar in Frognerveien 6 in Oslo gave her a nice taste.

- First I couldn't manage to look at people. I was so nervous, but then I thought that if I just looked down, everything should work out fine. I like the acoustic, intimate setting. It is a good way to perform, she explained to NRK P3.

Yes, I'm not a politician, I'm not a royalty, I have not come back to rule the country. I'm just going to make some music. - Lene Marlin, August 2003.

Edited by - Tef Johs on 25 Aug 2003 22:48:14
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Tef Johs

496 Posts

Posted - 25 Aug 2003 :  23:16:31  Show Profile  Visit Tef Johs's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Here's No 9, No 8 was identical to No 7 :)
Look, she is smiling!

Caption: RADIATES: Lene Marlin is back. This is the first press photograph of the international song star in over three years.

After three years of silence Dagbladet got the first words with a very fit Lene Marlin yesterday.


At 10:45 AM yesterday a big, silver grey Audi rolled up outside EMI Virgin on Karl Johan's street in Oslo. In the passenger seat sat Lene Marlin with sunglasses and a big smile. For the first time in three years she was about to meet the team of hunger-stricken journalists. It was a bubbling Lene Marlin who returned from the silence.

- Are you guys standing here?, the Tromsø-girl said as she got out of the car.

Concert in a bar.
Dagbladet was the very first to get a few words with one of Norway's greatest stars. The night before Lene Marlin sang and played very uexpectedly two tracks from her forthcoming album "Another Day" on the bar Frognerveien 6 in Oslo. This occured with a borrowed guitar in front of 50 shocked guests. In the tangle outside of the record company yesterday it wasn't easy to lead any long conversation with the returning star. But we tried.

- How was it doing a concert again?

- It was fun, Lene replied.

- Did you dread this day or looked forward to it?

- No, this is not something to dread especially, she said and disappeared.

Seven hours and innumerable radio interviews later she came out again, just as happy and fit. On her way from the record company to the taxi stand by Oslo cathedral she once more spoke with Dagbladet.

- Tell us how your day has been?

- It has been very good. People have been very sweet.

- What are you doing tonight?

- No, that's a secret!

- What do you think about the great interest in your come-back?

- It's surprising. The interest is much greater than I would have thought. It's been a bit of hustle and bustle today, so now my head aches, a smiling Lene Marlin said and disappeared in a cab.

Yes, I'm not a politician, I'm not a royalty, I have not come back to rule the country. I'm just going to make some music. - Lene Marlin, August 2003.
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